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Ronny LeBlanc starred in the docu-series EXPEDITION BIGFOOT (Discovery Channel) from Seasons 1 through 4.           

Ronny has been featured on Conjuring Kesha, In the Search of Monsters and one of the video experts featured on Paranormal Caught on Camera analyzing videos of ghosts, the paranormal, UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptid creatures and strange supernatural anomalies.


He is the author of two books. Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs and the follow up book, Monsterland: Shamans, Sasquatch, Synchronicity and High Strangeness. 




A regular speaker and researcher, Ronny gives lectures at Bigfoot, UFO and Paranormal conferences and conventions around the world.


Growing up in Leominster, Massachusetts, Ronny learned of a section of the city near his childhood home that was called Monsterland. He didn't know why it received this moniker, but all of his friends were going there to ride their BMX bikes, pedaling through the forested trails to get there and spending their day in the sand dunes within the power lines. 

Teenagers would use the area to hold keg parties and bonfires and young couples would frequent the area to evade prying parent's eyes. Some of the "lucky" ones that would venture into this area at night would experience strange sounds and lights. Sightings of flying saucers, orange orbs and hairy creatures running on two legs were part of the lore.

The secret of why it has been called Monsterland has most of its own residents in the dark. 

Learn about the history of UFO sightings in Massachusetts as well as Bigfoot encounters that continue to this day in and around Leominster State Forest.

What Ronny controversial. What if all of these phenomena are connected? What if it has something to do with the area itself and its history?


People have heard about the Bridgewater Triangle of Southeastern Massachusetts. Learn about this strange place within Central Massachusetts from someone that believes that there is more than meets the eye. 

If you like author and researchers like John Keel, Stan Gordon, Jacques will want to get these books! 


Book Ronny LeBlanc for a speaking event, conference (UFO, Bigfoot, Paranormal, Motivational)

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“Ronny has written an engaging and eye-opening account of his quest to understand interactions with Bigfoot, as well the strange occurrences that happen around those interactions that are not easily explained.” 


—  Maggie, Amazon Review

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